Research outputs

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2021 Tweeting #FeesMustFall: the online life and offline protests of a networked student movement

In 2015, students made history in South Africa. The wave of the so-called hashtag,"MustFall," or Fallist" protests started with RhodesMustFa...

2020 Twitter and student leadership in South Africa: the case of #FeesMustFall

With the rapid proliferation of social media around the world, social networking platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are increasingly bec...

2020 Jerome September

Jerome September is the dean of Student Affairs at the University of the Witwatersrand. He was previously head of Student Affairs at Sol Pla...

2019 Tweeting #FeesMustFall: the case of #UCTShutdown

Starting from Spring 2015, students across the country became engaged in the #FeesMustFall campaign, participating in protest action and shu...