Ms Jaqueline Ceridwyn Harvey

DEPARTMENT: Equitable Education and Economies (IED)
TELEPHONE: 031 242 5682

Ms Jaqueline Harvey is a PhD Intern in the Inclusive Economic Development (IED) division at the HSRC. She is completing her PhD in Psychology through the University of South Africa under the supervision of Dr Angelo Fynn. Ms Harvey?s research is primarily situated in the educational neuroscience and psycholinguistic domains. Her PhD project explores the relationships between working memory capacity, academic reading, and academic achievement in UNISA Online Distance e-Learning (ODeL) undergraduate tertiary students.

Jaqueline holds undergraduate degrees in psychology and neurophysiology from the University of Pretoria and a Master of Psychology with specialisation in Research Consultation from the University of South Africa. Her Masters dissertation explored the relationship between temperament and serum serotonin concentration in migraine sufferers. She aims to complete her doctoral thesis by 2021. She was previously employed at the University of South Africa as a postgraduate assistant in the psychology department.

Ms Harvey is the co-author of several journal publications, book chapters, and reports relating to the role of language in education and in inequality. She is also a co-author on journal publications and reports as a result of her work on the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (2015 and 2019 cycles) and on the Youth into Science Study projects. Ms Harvey has presented at both international and local conferences.