Ms Samela Shalom Mtyingizane

Current position and details of qualifications, institution(s) and specialities: Samela Mtyingizane is a PhD research trainee in Developmental, Capable and Ethical State (DCES) research programme. She has obtained a Masters in Development studies from the University of Zululand where her research looked at the role of social grants as a means of guarding against food insecurity. She is currently enrolled for a doctoral programme in development studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal where her PhD research is focusing on decolonisation of the education curriculum in the South African context. Since the beginning of her career in 2016 she has diversified and embraced a variety of thematic research interests such as food security, rural development, sustainable development and decolonisation of education in the South African context.

Experience and special projects: Throughout her experience as a researcher, she has have developed wide ranging research skills and abilities such as project management, teaching and training, data collection/analysis and academic writing as part of knowledge dissemination. She has worked in several research projects across the country and has engaged with different stakeholders such as the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), the Department of CoGTA and civil society organisations where she participated in service delivery and community development related research projects. During this period, she has enriched her knowledge and skills in both qualitative and quantitative methodology and considers herself to be a mixed-methodology researcher. Amongst other research projects she has been engaged in four annual rounds of the South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) as of 2016 which have yielded significant outcome in terms of academic article writing for publications.

Publications: During her time as a research trainee Miss Samela Mtyingizane has co-authored and published six (6) scientific articles in peer reviewed academic journals, co-authored client reports for the SANDF and the IEC and has made as eight (8) press releases. She has also presented four papers in accredited conferences.