Ms Sanusha Naidu

Ms Sanusha Naidu is a senior researcher in the Democracy Governance and Service Delivery programme. She holds an MA in International Relations at the University of Staffordshire University in the UK, obtained in September 1996.

Before joining the HSRC in March 2011, she was research director of the China/Emerging Powers in Africa programme based with Fahamu, a Pan African network for social justice NGOs. Prior to that she was a research fellow at the Centre for Chinese Studies at the University of Stellenbosch, and had previously worked at the HSRC, the South African Institute of International Affairs and the University of Kwazulu Natal (formerly known as the University of Durban-Westville).

Her areas of research interest include: African political economy and democratisation and South-South cooperation - with special emphasis on the BRIC countries engagement and footprint in Africa, the impact of South Africa's Africa policy and corporate penetration of the continent and the process of democratisation, electoral politics and good governance across Africa. She has also focused particularly on the strengtheningn of South Africa's democratic dispensation.

Ms Naidu's publication record spans the authoring and co-authoring of more than 70 conference/workshop presentations and 43 book chapters and journal articles. She has also co-edited two books on China, entitled Chinese and African Perspectives on China in Africa (2010), Oxford: Pambazuka Press (with Axel Harneit-Sievers & Stephen Marks), and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? China and Africa: Engaging the World?s Next Superpower, 2008, South Africa: UKZN Press (with Kweku Ampiah)

She has also guest edited two special edition journals:Africa?s Relations with Emerging Powers: Charting A New Direction In International Relations

, Politikon: South Africa Journal of Political Studies, April 2009 Vol.36(1) (with Lucy Corkin and Hayley Herman), and The ?New? Face of China-African Co-operation?, Review of African Political Economy, 35(115), March 2008 (with Marcus Power & Giles Mohan)

Her most recent work is a chapter published by Palgrave/Macmillan Press on South African Corporate Expansion in Zimbabwe: Weathering the Storm and Reaping the Benefits in the book Zimbabwe: Picking up the Pieces, which analysed how South African corporates have managed to remain insulated during the political and economic crises and their current state of engagement.

Ms Naidu has also been a regular commentator for BBC, Aljazeera News, Reuters, AFP, CCTV.
