Dr Sizulu Moyo

DEPARTMENT: Public Health, Societies and Belonging (HSC)
TELEPHONE: 021 466 8019
EMAIL: smoyo@hsrc.ac.za

Associate Professor Sizulu Moyo is a Research Director in the Human and Social Capabilities Division. She holds an MBChB degree, an MPH (epidemiology), a postgraduate certificate in Clinical Research Administration, and a Ph.D. in Paediatrics and Child Health in the field of tuberculosis (TB). She has extensive experience in public health research and is an NRF rated researcher. Her work is focused on TB and HIV where she has successfully participated in numerous TB and HIV research projects leading multi-disciplinary teams and working with local, national, and international stakeholders and collaborators. She also has experience in health systems and programmatic research. Prof Moyo has led several national population-level surveillance projects including the first South National TB prevalence survey, 2017-2018, the 5th South African National household HIV survey, 2017, and the South African National COVID-19 seroprevalence survey 2021. She is a co-principal investigator of the 6th South African National household HIV survey underway in 2022. She was the South African PI of a standardized patient quality improvement study on TB and HIV among private sector GPs undertaken in Durban and Cape Town, South Africa. Before joining the HSRC in 2014, she was an epidemiologist focusing on drug-resistant TB working with MSF in Cape Town, South Africa before which she worked in the area of TB vaccine trials at the South African TB Vaccine Initiative at UCT. Before working in the field of research she was a practicing clinician.

Prof Moyo is a WHO consultant for TB surveys, is a member of the South African TB Think Tank and a member of the SANAC Technical working group on TB. Prof Moyo's publications include journal articles, policy briefs, research reports, and conference presentations.