Dr K Sausi

Dr Kombi Sausi hold is a Post doctoral fellow in the Democracy, Capable and Ethical State (DCES) research division. He hold a PhD in Social Sciences (Development Anthropology) from University of KwaZulu-Natal (2018). He specialises in access to services (local government and public health sector). His work focuses on the service delivery monitoring, Integrated water resource management, community development, cultural diversity and dynamic in understanding service provision.

Experience and special projects: Dr Sausi has been involved in raising funds, manage and co-investigate several projects namely: 1. Delivery Optimization of Antiretroviral Therapy (The DO ART Study): A prospective, interventional, randomized study of community-based ART initiation, delivery and monitoring in South Africa and Uganda. 2. Catholic Relief Services-Better Way Foundation- Whose Child Is This? Early Childhood Development Tracer Study in Lesotho. 3. UNICEF funded Age Validation of the Early Learning and Development Standards for the Ministry of Education and Training in Lesotho. 4. DREAMS-Preventing HIV in Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Lesotho: An Operations Research Activity. 5. South African Councilor Panel Study in association with Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 6. Family Health International 360 funded Baseline study to inform program improvements and result tracking Early Childhood Household Stimulation. 7. Understanding Homelessness In Central Durban. 8. National Heritage Council, Unsung Heroes and Heroines of the liberation struggle. 9. Department of Justice and Constitutional Development: Access to justice: review of high court of appeal and the Constitutional Court. 10. City Support Program (CSP). 11. Joburg City Safety Strategy. 12. Presidential review of state owned enterprises. 13. Accelerated and Sustainable Water Service Delivery (ASWSD).

Publications: His publication record is evident in a number of peer reviewed publications he has co-authored. His Masters dissertation was published as a book. Dr Sausi has published 11 scientific articles in both local and international peer-reviewed academic journals, 15 research reports, 1 book, and 1 book chapters. .