
HSRC provides media briefs (or press releases) on a regular basis to the media.  Here you can browse the archive of media briefs.

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27 Oct 2017 | Igniting conversations about science: HSRC to host Mini Science Forum South Africa 2017

HSRC to host Mini Science Forum South Africa 2017Pretoria, Friday 27 October 2017 – The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) will, with Cape T...

12 Oct 2017 | HSRC leads the IORA Academic Group

Pretoria, Thursday 12 October 2017 – The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) will, on the margins of the 17th Indian Ocean Rim Association (I...

28 Sep 2017 | Russia is in Africa as a partner, a friend and a contributor - Mikhail Malkov

We strongly support the notion, ‘African solution to African problems’ because only Africans themselves know the core of their troubles an...

6 Sep 2017 | KZN Community Health Worker receives frontline health worker award

BETHESDA, MD, U.S.A. — Abt Associates, Medtronic Foundation and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) congratulate Ms. Terry Ann Vetter, a ...

4 Sep 2017 | Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators to conduct business innovation survey

Human Sciences Research CouncilPretoria, Monday 4 September 2017 – In assessing the state of innovation amongst South African corporates, the Ce...

1 Sep 2017 | Professor Charles van Onselen recipient of 2nd Annual HSRC Medal in Social Sciences and Humanities

These Awards recognise the role of the social sciences and humanities in transforming society.Professor van Onselen is an internationally renowned his...

28 Aug 2017 | Wellbeing amidst increasing poverty and inequality?

Pretoria, Monday 28 August 2017 – In response to deepening poverty and inequality in South Africa, the Human Sciences Research Council has defin...

25 Aug 2017 | Press statement for immediate release

Ground breaking research led by a team of South African scientists proves that, given the right support, HIV-positive parents will disclose their stat...

17 Aug 2017 | HSRC looks at how young people experience their world

Pretoria, Tuesday 17 August 2017 – As part of understanding how young people experience their worlds which will influence the appropriate social...

16 Aug 2017 | HSRC to recognise outstanding social scientists

Pretoria, Tuesday 15 August 2017 – In recognising the role of social science and the humanities in transforming society, the Human Sciences Rese...