
HSRC provides media briefs (or press releases) on a regular basis to the media.  Here you can browse the archive of media briefs.

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27 May 2011 | Africa in Focus: Governance in the 21st Century

Africa in Focus: Governance in the 21st Century, edited by Kwandiwe Kondlo and Chinenyengozi Ejiogu   “African voices are, in many instan...

27 May 2011 | Africa in Focus: Governance in the 21st Century

Africa in Focus: Governance in the 21st Century, edited by Kwandiwe Kondlo and Chinenyengozi Ejiogu   “African voices are, in many instan...

3 May 2011 | Growth of urban municipalities leads to poor services in informal settlements

South African cities are making a vital and growing contribution to all-round national development, despite their internal problems. This is one of th...

28 Apr 2011 | IEC Voter Participation Survey 2010/11: An Overview of Results

The HSRC was commissioned to conduct a voter survey in view of the forthcoming municipal elections on 18 May 2011.The purpose of the survey was, among...

28 Apr 2011 | IEC Voter Participation Survey 2010/11: An Overview of Results

The HSRC was commissioned to conduct a voter survey in view of the forthcoming municipal elections on 18 May 2011.The purpose of the survey was, among...

24 Feb 2011 | Mid East Crises: The risks and impact on SA oil imports

Growth in total oil consumption in South Africa has averaged almost 2% per annum since 1994, due to expansions in the transportation and mining sector...

24 Feb 2011 | Tribute to leaders in HIV prevention and gender

Cape Town - Completing an innovative four-year programme to identify, train, and support emerging leaders in HIV prevention in South Africa, the M&mid...

23 Feb 2011 | New study: Are we keeping our promises to children?

Cape Town – The South African Government has developed strong policies for vulnerable children, some of which have been taken up in other Africa...

17 Feb 2011 | Decisive action to achieve the Millenium Development goals

PRETORIA - A review of progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) in four southern African countries has been undertaken by the Human Sci...

24 Jan 2011 | Latest issue of RESDI newsletter out now

The Education Skills Development research programme of the HSRC as embarked on an ongoing process of reviewing developments in education, skills devel...