
HSRC provides media briefs (or press releases) on a regular basis to the media.  Here you can browse the archive of media briefs.

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30 Sep 2021 | Macroeconomic policy dialogue on South Africa's long-term economic policy options beyond 2021

About the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) The HSRC was established in 1968 as South Africa’s statutory research agency and has grown to ...

9 Sep 2021 | International Literacy Day webinar to explore literacy in the South African schooling and higher education contexts

Pretoria, Wednesday 8 September 2021 – According to UNESCO, despite the steady rise in literacy rates over the past 50 years, there are still 77...

7 Sep 2021 | Over 49 000 Households to participate in the National Food and Nutrition Security Survey

Pretoria, Monday 6 September 2021 – To improve the planning and interventions that will improve the status of food security and nutrition at hou...

20 Aug 2021 | HSRC women's month Public Lecture on Women's Equality in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

Doctor Precious Moloi-Motsepe to deliver HSRC women’s month Public Lecture on Women’s Equality in the Era of Artificial Intelligence Pret...

17 Aug 2021 | Survey shows that acceptance of vaccines is increasing but challenges remain

Johannesburg, Tuesday 17 August 2021 –  On 18 August 2021, the Centre for Social Change, University of Johannesburg (UJ) in collaboration w...

19 Jul 2021 | Minister of Science and Innovation, Dr Blade Nzimande to launch the 2021 State of the Nation

About the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) The HSRC was established in 1968 as South Africa’s statutory research agency and has grown to ...

14 Jul 2021 | Survey shows that nearly two-thirds of adults support postponing the 2021 local government elections

Pretoria, Wednesday 14 July 2021- As things currently stand, the country is due to have local government elections on 27 October 2021. However, the on...

6 Jul 2021 | DCES launches National COVID-19 survey for persons with disabilities in South Africa

Are you a person with a disability and want to share your experiences and thoughts about disability and COVID-19 in South Africa? Complete this survey...

6 Jul 2021 | Webinar to focus on the BRICS Development Bank finance for the Global South in the post COVID-19 era

Pretoria, Tuesday 6 July 2021 –  The Human Sciences Research Council’s (HSRC) BRICS Research Centre and partners, will hold a webinar...

29 Jun 2021 | HSRC to evaluate how COVID-19 has affected South Africans a year later

Johannesburg, Tuesday 29 June 2021 – At the end of March 2021, South Africa commemorated a year of living with the COVID-19 pandemic. Although t...