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1 Dec 2005 | Factsheet 1 : Why incidence is important

HIV prevalence figures reflect the proportion of people in the population living with HIV at a given point in time. The observed HIV prevalence is the...

1 Dec 2005 | Factsheet 2 : National HIV prevalence in South Africa - the graphics.

The national HIV prevalence in the population of people two years and older is estimated to be 10.8%, with a higher prevalence in women (13.3%) than i...

1 Dec 2005 | Factsheet 3 : Children with HIV and exposure to risk of infection.

The figures show that South African children have a high HIV prevalence. In the 2-4 age group, 4.9% of boys and 5.3% of girls are HIV positive, transl...

1 Dec 2005 | Factsheet 4 : Perceptions of being invulnerable to HIV.

An individual's belief in his or her personal susceptibility to illness or disease is an important element in health behaviour and influences whether ...

1 Dec 2005 | Factsheet 5 : Low overall levels of stigmatising attitudes.

Stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS have often been identified as primary barriers to effective HIV prevention, as well as t...

1 Dec 2005 | Factsheet 6 : Uptake of voluntary counselling and testing (VCT).

VCT is an important strategy for HIV prevention and access to treatment, care and support services. Although overall knowledge of where to access HIV ...

1 Dec 2005 | Factsheet 7 : Sexual behaviour

Attitudes are complex to measure through questionnaire-based approaches, given that many factors influence a particular attitudinal response. In 2002,...

1 Dec 2005 | Factsheet 8 : Condom use and access

Table 3.34 summarises proportions of respondents who had sex in the last year who used a condom during their last sexual intercourse. Some 38% of fema...

18 Nov 2005 | Factsheet 1 : Average time educators spend on their various activities according to analysis of 3909 time-diaries

Fewer hours are spend on school-related activities during and outside the formal school day in rural areas than in urban areas, ranging from an aver...

18 Nov 2005 | Factsheet 2 : Distribution of time across different school-related activities

Educators spend on average 41% of total time on work related to teaching, 14% on planning and preparation, 14% on assessment, evaluation, reports an...