
HSRC provides media briefs (or press releases) on a regular basis to the media.  Here you can browse the archive of media briefs.

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9 Nov 2005 | Factsheet 4: Migration intentions - findings from an HSRC migration survey

More than a third (36%) of people living outside Gauteng who participated in a household survey in 2001 indicated that they intended to move to Gauten...

20 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 1: Potential for Attrition

Key finding: The study revealed that 55% of educators intend to leave the education profession. Two-thirds of this group fall in the technology, natur...

20 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 2 : Absenteeism Among Educators in South African Public Schools

Key finding: Absenteeism from work is attributed to chronic conditions such TB, high-risk drinking, lung or breathing problems, heart disease, diabete...

20 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 3 : Context of Educators in South African Public Schools

Key findings: There are major variations in the mean annual school fees, with the Free State charging the least (less than R 100 per child per year) a...

20 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 4 : Health Status of Educators in South African Public Schools

Key finding: 10.6% of educators have been hospitalised in the previous 12 months. Another indication of educator's health status is that at least 75% ...

20 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 5 : Alcohol Use Among Educators in South African Public Schools

Key finding: The overwhelming majority of educators (75%) did not drink alcohol in the past 12 months; 20% are classified as low-risk drinkers; and 5....

20 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 6 : HIV Prevalence Among South African Educators in Public Schools

Key finding: Overall, 12.7% of all educators are HIV positive. HIV prevalence is the highest in the 25?34 age group (21.4%), followed by the 35?44 age...

20 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 7 : Predictions for Prophylaxis and Antiretroviral Therapy in South African Public Schools

Key finding: More than a fifth (22 %) of the HIV-positive educator population would need antiretroviral therapy if health care providers use the natio...

20 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 8 : Workplace Policies in Public Education: A Review Focusing on HIV/AIDS.

Key findings: A review of all key Department of Education's (DoE) workplace policies as well as two unions' HIV/AIDS policies, concludes that the tran...

20 Jun 2005 | Factsheet 9 : Workplace Policies: Practices and Perceptions of Educators

Key findings: The interview-based survey of educators shows that the majority are aware of some DoE workplace policies or directives, such as giving s...