
HSRC provides media briefs (or press releases) on a regular basis to the media.  Here you can browse the archive of media briefs.

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21 Jan 2021 | National COVID-19 Antibody Survey (NCAS) research team responds to misperceptions and fake news

Pretoria, Thursday 21 January 2021 – The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), together with research partners, Epicentre, the National Instit...

11 Dec 2020 | Western Cape Department of Education and HSRC release province's performance in TIMSS 2019 Study

The TIMSS 2019: Highlights of Western Cape Grade 9 Results in Mathematics and Science report can be found on the TIMSS-SA website (

9 Dec 2020 | South Africa conducts National COVID-19 Antibody Survey (NCAS)

The survey will be rolled out as per the following schedule.  Media who are interested in joining the research teams should please contact Manush...

8 Dec 2020 | Department of Basic Education and HSRC release TIMSS 2019 Grade 5 Study

Pretoria, Tuesday 8 December 2020 – South Africa participated in TIMSS 2015 and 2019, at the Grade 5 level, in order to monitor educational prog...

8 Dec 2020 | Department of Basic Education and HSRC release TIMSS 2019 Grade 9 Study

"The South African TIMSS 2019 Mathematics and Science achievement, at the secondary level, continues to increase, achievement gaps decreased slightly ...

8 Dec 2020 | Department of Basic Education and HSRC release TIMSS 2019 Grade 9 Study

The TIMSS Grade 9 Highlights of Results Report is on the TIMSS-SA website ( the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)The HSR...

2 Dec 2020 | HSRC and partners to deliberate on social issues under the theme of Radical Reason at 2020 Science Forum

Pretoria, Thursday 3 December 2020 – The Human Sciences Research Council will bring together a consortium of partners from the humanities and so...

19 Nov 2020 | Stakeholders to discuss the implications for an international COVID-19 Vaccine Policy

Notes to the EditorThe HSRC was established in 1968 as South Africa’s statutory research agency and has grown to become the largest dedicated re...

16 Nov 2020 | Access to water at the heart of second Constitutional Dialogue

About the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)The HSRC was established in 1968 as South Africa’s statutory research agency and has grown to be...

9 Nov 2020 | AUDA-NEPAD, the HSRC and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to co-host a webinar on the impact of corruption on the growth of SMEs in Africa

MEDIA ADVISORYAUDA-NEPAD, the HSRC and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to co-host a webinar on the impact of corruption on the growth of SMEs in ...