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19 Jul 2019 | Celebrating Madiba: a bright light reflected and refracted in a thousand tiny ways on Mandela day

On what would have been Nelson Mandela’s 101 birthday, South Africans around the country engaged in acts of giving: from redistributing food to ...

28 Jun 2019 | HSRC Board member Prof Zungu receives 2019 NSTF award

HSRC Board member Prof Lindiwe Zungu is among the winners of the 2018/2019 NSTF-South 32 Awards. Prof Zungu who is also the Executive Dean: Graduate S...

25 Jun 2019 | Dissatisfaction with government's anti-corruption efforts linked to voter abstention in 2019 elections

South Africans have increasingly viewed corruption as one of the major issues facing the country. Data from the Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) presen...

21 Jun 2019 | Professor Leslie Bank involved in launching new African ethnographies at European African Studies Conference in Edinburgh

Professor Leslie Bank, a general editor for southern Africa in the International African Library series published by Cambridge University Press, parti...

30 May 2019 | Prof Leslie Bank gives keynote address at Inclusive Cities forum

Professor Leslie J. Bank gave a keynote address, entitled “Access to the City in a Suburban Nation”, on the 23 June 2019, as part of a lec...

21 May 2019 | Pan Africanism, Peace and Security, Sustainable Development and Science and Technology take centre stage at AUR 2019

Pretoria, Monday 20 May 2019 – To revive Pan Africanism that speaks to the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century and drives developme...

10 May 2019 | Discussion on HSRC's flagship new book in its State of the Nation series: Poverty and Inequality

Dr Gerard Hagg discusses the new State of the Nation book on SAFM on Tuesday 7 May 2019. State of the Nation 2018 covers a diversity of perspectives ...

10 May 2019 | The India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum rejuvenated at 15

Panel on contemporary global governance and the role of IBSA: (from left) Prof Uallace Moreira Lima (Brazil); Prof Narnia Bohler-Muller (HSRC, South A...

25 Mar 2019 | DGSD attends W20 Japan 2019: G20 engagement group on gender

This week Professor Narnia Bohler-Muller of the HSRC's Democracy, Governance and Service Delivery programme attended the W20 Japan 2019 gathering in T...

25 Mar 2019 | Passing the baton: Mandela's legacy and today's student protests

By Andrea Teagle A short way up the road from where a conference was taking place about the making of Mandela, opposite a war memorial, an art museum...