CHE, SAQA, & QCTO 2019/20 Annual Reports

CATEGORY: Media and COVID-19
DATE: 16 November 2020
AUTHOR: Parliamentary Monitoring Group

Prof Themba Mosia, Chairperson, Council on Higher Education (CHE), commenced by introducing the delegation and the management team. He told Members that the previous Chief Executive Officer’s (CEO’s) term had ended, and the Council now had an Acting CEO. The Council would be conducting interviews next week to fill the position.

During the past year, Covid-19 had really hit the Council hard, although the resources in the organisation had improved with the additional conditional grant of R20 million, and the R5 million grant of seed-funding under the University Capacity Development Programme. The CHE maintained a solid and healthy relationship with its stakeholders. Its research collaboration with the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) had led to the joint publication of a book.

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