RESEARCH OUTPUTS: Food security in South Africa. Spatial Insights: Edition 2, Development of a National HIV, TB and STIs Policy Brief for Transgender Women in South Africa, Xenophobia in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic: how the pandemic increases zero-sum bias about foreign nationals, Commentary: How HIV advocacy can be used to ensure quality transgender health care: lessons from South Africa, An analysis of the impact of technological innovation on productivity in South African manufacturing firms using direct measures of innovation, The dissemination and implementation of cultural rights worldwide: from "insurrectional actors" to 'programmatic actors": a comparison of Brazilian, French and South African cases, Linking climate change adaptation strategies and nutrition outcomes: a conceptual framework, A comparative policy for the COVID-19 emergency management of frontline health workers in selected African countries, The statistical qualities of the zone design census output areas, Global south youth: why we need this concept?, A global youth studies to benefit the world: realigning theory, practice and justice, The development of African languages as mediums of instruction in higher education: from policy to practice, Place matters: national prosperity depends on every region performing better, All was not in vain: the autobiography of Lebona Mosia, Prison notebook V2957/88, From activism to disillusionment: the story of an MK Comrade Khaya Skweyiya, From rural herd boy to MK soldier and then ambassador: the autobiography of Mabuse Mampane, A man from Manganeng: the life of John Kgoana Nkadimeng, 1927-2020, Spatial characteristics of unauthorised municipal expenditure in South Africa. Spatial insights: Edition 3, Structural violence in South African primary healthcare facilities: insights from discussions with adolescents and young people seeking sexual and reproductive health needs