Preparation for Pre-Common Country Analysis (CCA) 2021-2022

STATUS: Current
PROJECT LEADER:Van der Bergh, GM (Mr Gray), Jacobs, PT (Dr Peter)
OTHER TEAM MEMBERS: Jansen, HT (Mr Herman)
DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE: Equitable Education and Economies (IED)


The impact of Covid-19 on agriculture and food systems, climate change and other internal challenges/emerging issues have affected food system adversely. The CCA, being a ???living document??? is subject to regular updates of the analysis. The Food and Agriculture sectors as well as other sectors need constant update of their analysis particularly with regard to recent major challenges (covid-19 pandemic, Civil unrests in South Africa, etc.).FAO South Africa is striving to prepare a Pre-CCA which include key critical analysis in order to meet a twofold objective i)first to have an accurate situational analysis and update; and ii) to position FAO with options of interventions to foster changes in the areas of its mandate..