Review of published literature to provide empirically based recommendations for supporting and strengthening child caregiver relationships


This scopes of work is to conduct a review of published literature and summarise empirically based recommendations for supporting and strengthening child caregiver relationships. The review will cover children under the age of 18 years, be sensitive to gender and age, and take a strengths based approach that builds on the resources and capacities of children, caregivers, families and communities. The review will not be limited by geographical scope, but draw on what are considered universal features of children?s development and their relationships with caregivers, though specific variables may be by culture and local context. The review will form the basis for a series of consultations designed to make recommendations for strengthening and supporting child caregiver relationships in general and also with respect to particular challenges facing children including: Orphaning, disability, chronic illness, stigma, abuse and violence, parental mental health, drug and alcohol abuse and caregiver capacity.