Research outputs

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Research outputs: ADOLESCENTS

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2021 Passive sensing on mobile devices to improve mental health services with adolescent and young mothers in low-resource settings: the role of families in feasibility and acceptability

Passive sensor data from mobile devices can shed light on daily activities, social behavior, and maternal-child interactions to improve mate...

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2021 'My friends would laugh at me': embedding the dominant heterosexual script in the talk of primary school students

The dominant 'heterosexual script' positions men as sexually desiring subjects who initiate sex and use active displays of power to attract ...

2021 A mixed reception: perceptions of pregnant adolescents' experiences with health care workers in Cape Town, South Africa

Maternal mortality among adolescent mothers in South Africa is higher than many middle-income countries. This is largely attributable to con...

2021 Anaemia in children and adolescents: a bibliometric analysis of BRICS countries (1990-2020)

Brazil, Russia, India China and South Africa have prioritized cooperation regarding health, including malnutrition. Anaemia in children, ado...