Research outputs

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Research data

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2013 Putting gender on the agenda for BRICS

Gender equality is not written or spoken about much within the context of international multilateral groupings, such as BRICS. The fact that...

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2013 Laying the BRICS of a new global order: from Yekaterinburg 2009 to Ethekweni 2013

Laying The BRICS of a New Global Order: Yekaterinburg 2009 to eThekwini 2013, was inspired by the launching of South Africa's membership in ...

2013 BRICS in South Africa, and the think tank in BRICS

Earlier this year, the South African Cabinet designated the HSRC as the incubator of the South African BRICS Think Tank for the 2013/14 fina...

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2010 Pretoria's BRICS diplomacy: the ROAD ahead

With South Africa joining the elite club of emerging powers, the greatest challenge for the member would be to start making the grouping wor...