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Research outputs: COVID-19

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2021 Rapid photovoice as a close-up, emancipatory methodology in student experience research: the case of the student movement violence and wellbeing study

In this paper, we critically reflect on our conceptualization and operationalization of 'rapid photovoice' as a close-up, emancipatory, acti...

2021 Student affairs and services during Covid-19 in Africa: mitigating the pandemic's impact on student success

The Covid 19 pandemic has highlighted the challenges that present obstacles to equitable learning and development in higher education in var...

2021 "It is like it has come up and stole our lives from us": the first 21 days: a rapid qualitative assessment of how different sectors of society experienced the COVID-19 lockdown in South Africa

We examined how different sectors of society experienced the first 21 days of the stay-at-home lockdown following the onset of the coronavir...

2021 Editorial: the impact of Covid-19 on student affairs and higher education in Africa

Over the course of their history, African universities have had to contend with many crises, and they have learnt to quickly adapt to ensure...