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Research outputs: COVID-19

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2020 Tuberculosis in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa

The COVID-19 pandemic reached South Africa in March - the month in which World Tuberculosis (TB) Day is commemorated. The 24th of March is d...

2020 Viral (un)freedom in the area of COVID-19: it is all about trust

Governments across the globe have taken drastic measures to contain COVID-19 through lockdowns, limiting physical contact between people, an...

2020 Not a 'skop, skiet en donner' moment: defence force deployment in the time of COVID-19

With the deployment of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) for three months to assist the police in containing COVID-19, it is ...

2020 Exploiting COVID-19 to spread hatred and fear: South Africa is vulnerable

In the past, foreign nationals coming into South Africa have been labelled as carriers of disease and other maladies that threaten the healt...