Research outputs

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Research outputs: COVID-19

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2020 Addressing the challenges of TB diagnosis in the COVID era

Ten million people fell ill with TB worldwide in 2019, of whom 1.4 million died, and 2.9 million were not notified, or not diagnosed1 and th...

2020 Provision of sexual- and reproductive-health services during COVID-19: perspectives from civil society organisations in Eastern and Southern Africa

Civil society organisations remain some of the most important role players in the provision of services related to sexual and reproductive h...

2020 Breaking middle income traps in a post Covid-19 world: an introduction to the special issue

This Special Issue of Nova Economia presents papers from the workshop "Development, Lock-Ins, Traps and Catch Up: India, China, South Africa...

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2020 Social activities, basic services and support to vulnerable groups: South African government women's empowerment and gender equity responses to COVID-19: chapter 6: interim country report

Gender equality is entrenched in the South African Constitution, and women's empowerment is a priority of the post-apartheid government. How...