Research outputs

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Research data

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Research outputs: CULTURAL PLURALISM

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2009 Stigma, culture, and HIV and AIDS in the Western Cape, South Africa: an application of the PEN-3 cultural model for community-based research

HIV- and AIDS-related stigma has been reported to be a major factor contributing to the spread of HIV. In this study, the authors explore t...

2008 Affirmative action and cosmopolitan citizenship in South Africa

This chapter looks at the policies and assess views, as expressed by key stakeholders, on the impact of the Employment Equity Act (EEA) (No....

2008 HSRC's focus groups study on social values and norms: research methodology

A presentation on the study to identify and understand the social values and cultural norms that influence sexual behaviour in various setti...

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2007 Imagining the city: memories and cultures in Cape Town

Cities are not only made of buildings and roads, they are also constructed through popular imagination and spaces of representation. Imagini...