Research outputs

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Research outputs: DEMOCRACY

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2022 South Africans' social views: 'the real state-of-the-nation indicators?

Since 2003, the political, social and sociocultural views of people living in South Africa have undergone significant shifts. The biggest ch...

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2021 Separation of powers and the dangers of judicial underreach

This chapter takes a closer look at the institutionalisation of the doctrine of separation of powers within the context of South Africa's co...

2021 Delivering democratic developmental state cities in South Africa

Since coming to power in 1994, following the end of formal apartheid in South Africa, the governing African National Congress (ANC), has sta...

2021 Decolonisation as democratisation global insights into the South African experience

Decolonisation as democratisation considers three factors that define the debate in South Africa on the decolonisation of the academy: educa...