Research outputs

Access is provided to research outputs generated by HSRC researchers since 2000. All research outputs are provided free of charge to the public, with the exception of confidential reports. Where possible the full-text is provided for immediate download. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of an output which is not immediately available for download, please contact the Digital Curation Team at

HSRC Repository

The HSRC Institutional Repository is an important tool that the HSRC utilises to preserve and disseminate its documents. Different types of publications including scholarly research outputs are collected, preserved and distributed in a digital format.

Research data

The HSRC Research Data Service provides a digital repository of the HSRC's research data in support of evidence-based human and social development.

Research outputs: DEVELOPMENT

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2021 SDG7: ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy

SDG7 aims to 'ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all'. Meeting the demands of the 2030 agenda will be ...

2021 Nexus between energy and development: the case of BRICS

As developing nations, BRICS countries have similar development objectives. The security of the supply of energy is thus imperative for all ...

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2021 A decade of innovation and development

This year marks the tenth anniversary of Innovation and Development. This special anniversary issue brings together a set of reflective arti...

2021 Creating sticky places: occupy urbanism, digital heritage and decolonisation

The dominant perspective on smart-city planning is that it offers technical solutions to everyday urban problems through optimisation and ef...