Research outputs

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Research outputs: DISABILITIES

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2017 Moving closer to the screen

It would have been nice to drive a car, but he gets around with Uber taxis. It is all about patience and clear communication with those clos...

2017 SA is failing deaf and hard-of-hearing learners:can a bilingual model of education be the solution to acquiring literacy?

Deaf and hard-of -hearing learners comprise 5% of the school population, but their school attendance drops significantly between their early...

2014 Needs assessment of a disability rehabilitation centre in a sub-district of Ratchaburi province in Thailand

The paper aims is to carry out the needs assessment, and to come up with a suitable model for the establishment of a rehabilitation centre f...

2013 Social and health determinants of gender differences in disability amongst older adults in South Africa

There has been an unprecedented increase in population ageing resulting in the increase in prevalence of various health conditions, includin...

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