Research outputs

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Research outputs: EDUCATION

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2013 Listening before telling: pairing indigenous knowledge with the school curriculum

A team of researchers set its sights on developing context-relevant teaching tools by using indigenous and local knowledge in the Cofimvaba ...

2013 Teacher unions' participation in policy making: a South African case study

This article contends that teacher unions' participation in policy making during South Africa's political transition was characterised by as...

2013 Masihambisane, lessons learnt using participatory indigenous knowledge research approaches in a school-based collaborative project of the Eastern Cape

Masihambisane is an Nguni word, loosely meaning "let us walk the path together". The symbolic act of walking together is conceptually at the...

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2013 Interaction between towers of learning and poor communities: four case studies

Interaction between universities and marginalised communities around innovation activities that create or protect livelihoods, are rare in S...

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