Research outputs

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Research outputs: EDUCATION

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2012 Highlights from TIMSS 2011: the South African perspective

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is cross-national assessment of the mathematics and science knowledge of f...

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2011 Reviewing the role of the provincial and district offices in the implementation of assessment policies in the Gauteng and Western Cape provinces

A robust, reliable and continuous classroom assessment system is crucial for improving learning and is a critical function of governments an...

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2011 National Assessment of Learner Achievement (NALA): the 2009 grade 9 systemic evaluation: the national report

These findings suggest the need to revisit the South African social transformation agenda which has always been about redress of the past ed...

2011 National Assessment of Learner Achievement (NALA): the 2009 grade 9 systemic evaluation: report for Limpopo

These findings highlight the magnitude of the task to provide quality education for all learners in the province. Our analysis shows that o...