Research outputs

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HSRC Repository

The HSRC Institutional Repository is an important tool that the HSRC utilises to preserve and disseminate its documents. Different types of publications including scholarly research outputs are collected, preserved and distributed in a digital format.

Research data

The HSRC Research Data Service provides a digital repository of the HSRC's research data in support of evidence-based human and social development.


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2022 Generating economic development from renewable energy: a city-level comparison of China and South Africa

South Africa's Renewable Energy (RE) Rollout at the National and Local level has been slow and contentious. The South African policy framewo...

2019 Modelling electricity generation from sugarcane production system using systems dynamics

Current global energy systems have proven unsustainable amid effects of the cumulative greenhouse emissions and climate change. The drive to...

2016 An integrated approach for modeling the electricity value of a sugarcane production system

The spatial system dynamics model (SSDM) of sugarcane industrial ecosystem presented in this paper is towards an integrated approach to simu...