Research outputs

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Research data

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2013 HIV status disclosure to families for social support in South Africa (NIMH Project Accept/HPTN 043)

Literature on HIV status disclosure among persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) is dominated by research on the rates, barriers and consequen...

2013 Family ties: blood is thicker than water

In South Africa, there are concerns that traditional lines of support between generations (intergenerational solidarity) are weakening. Thos...

2012 The central role of families in the lives of children affected by AIDS

This chapter argues for the reorientation from efforts by external agencies to provide assistance directly to individual children identified...

2010 Introduction: an introduction to family-centred services for children affected by HIV and AIDS

Family-centred services in the context of HIV/AIDS acknowledge a broad view of a "family system" and ideally include comprehensive treatment...