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Research outputs: HETEROSEXUALITY

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

2010 Being straight and being gay: identity or multiple desire: the case of South Africa

Constitution prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. In December 2006, South Africa became the fifth country in the wo...

2010 Recruiting heterosexual couples from the general population for studies in rural South Africa - challenges and lessons (Project Accept, HPTN 043)

Couples should be included in HIV prevention research, but their recruitment in southern Africa is challenging given high levels of migratio...

2010 Race and masculinities in the South African military

Generally, the military and masculinity are confirmed as harmonious and mutual. For many countries, military service assumes the status of i...

2009 Heterosexual anal intercourse among community and clinical settings in Cape Town, South Africa

Anal intercourse is an efficient mode of HIV transmission and may play a role in the heterosexual HIV epidemics of southern Africa. However...