Research outputs

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Research outputs: HIGHER EDUCATION

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2014 Higher education, employment and economic growth: exploring the interactions

The purpose of this report is to interrogate the impact and nature of South Africa's post-apartheid economic growth performance through the ...

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2013 "We've got you pegged": programme choice in the transition to, and passage through, higher education

A 2010 paper published in Higher Education investigated the relationship between South African Grade 12 students' programme preferences in 2...

2012 Conceptions of higher education, development-oriented social engagement and innovation in the SADC context

This chapter examines two distinct bodies of literature and argues for a synthesis to inform development-oriented social engagement. The fir...

2012 Access for labour market equity: advancing the case for national development in South African higher education

The responsibilities of higher education and training (HET) institutions include, but are not limitedto, preparing students for absorption a...