Research outputs

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Research outputs: HIV/AIDS

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2012 Study of global ageing and adult health (SAGE): South Africa 2007-2008: executive summary

The phenomenon of population ageing has become more significant in South African society during recent decades, with the cohort aged 50 year...

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2012 Mid-term qualitative assessment of participants' experiences and perceptions of community dialogues as a way to discuss and affect concurrent sexual partnership practices in Lesotho: an executive summary

The HIV prevalence rate among adults aged 15-49 in Lesotho was estimated at 23.2% in 2008 (Khobotle et al, 2009), making it the third highes...

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2012 Sexual risk, serostatus and intimate partner violence among couples during pregnancy in rural South Africa

The aim of this study was to describe sexual risk behavior among 239 couples during pregnancy and to examine the relationship of sexual beha...