Research outputs

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Research outputs: HIV/AIDS

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2011 Report on PMTCT comprehensive community intervention package including male involvement, infant follow-up, peer support, partner violence and infant feeding in Nkangala district, Mpumalanga province

With around 2.7 million people becoming infected with HIV in 2010, there are now an estimated 34 million people around the world who are liv...

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2011 Prevalence of postnatal depression and associated factors among HIV-positive women in primary care in Nkangala district, South Africa

The prevalence of postpartum depression in South Africa is high, but there is lack of prevalence data on postnatal depression among HIV-infe...

2011 HIV counselling and testing utilisation and attitudes of male inmates in a South African prison

The Department of Correctional Services Policy on the management of HIV and AIDS for offenders include voluntary counselling and testing (VC...