Research outputs

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Research outputs: HIV/AIDS

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2018 Lottery incentives to support HIV testing in South African workplaces

Lottery incentives have long been an important strategy to encourage health screening, including HIV testing. In South African companies, it...

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2018 Discordance, disclosure and normative gender roles: barriers to couple testing within a community-level HIV self-testing intervention in urban Blantyre, Malawi

A community-based HIV self-testing study in Blantyre, Malawi demonstrated that not all individuals living in couples tested with their partn...

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2018 Correlates of correct HIV knowledge and myth rejection in South Africa: the 2012 National HIV Prevalence, Incidence and Behavior Survey

Correct knowledge of HIV transmission and prevention and myth rejection is a prerequisite to practicing safer behavior and important for red...

2018 What role for community?: critical reflections on state-driven support for vulnerable children and orphans in South Africa

The HIV&AIDS; pandemic in South Africa has left behind large numbers of vulnerable children and orphans. Current estimates suggest that 3.7 ...