Research outputs

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Research outputs: HIV/AIDS

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2014 South African National HIV Prevalence, Incidence and Behaviour Survey, 2012

The report covers the epidemiology of HIV from both social and biomedical points of view, providing us not only with statistical data on HIV...

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2014 Effect of community-based voluntary counselling and testing on HIV incidence and social and behavioural outcomes (NIMH Project Accept; HPTN 043): a cluster-randomised trial

Background Although several interventions have shown reduced HIV incidence in clinical trials, the community-level effect of effective inte...

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2014 Prevalence of knowledge and use of the female condom in South Africa

Male condoms remain a key tool in preventing the spread of HIV and the female condom (FC) holds similar potential. Using data collected thro...

2014 Identifying community risk factors for HIV among South African adolescents with mental health problems: a qualitative study of parental perceptions

High risk sexual behaviour, alcohol and drug use, and mental health problems combine to yield high levels of HIV-risk behaviour among adoles...