Research outputs

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Research outputs: HIV/AIDS

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2013 Advice dilemmas: managing advice against the competing public health and counselling imperatives that shape VCT in South Africa

The public health and counselling imperatives that shape VCT create advice dilemmas for counsellors. Public health proponents view the dispe...

2013 Efficacy of SISTA South Africa on sexual behavior and relationship control among isiXhosa women in South Africa: results of a randomized-controlled trial

Background: The HIV epidemic has a devastating impact among South African women. The current study evaluated the efficacy of SISTA South Af...

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2013 Collecting maternal health information from HIV-positive pregnant women using mobile phone-assisted face-to-face interviews in southern Africa

Background: Most of the world's women living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) reside in sub-Saharan Africa. Although efforts to reduc...

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