Research outputs

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2021 Strengthening gender and inclusivity in the national system of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI): literature review: Ethiopia

Ethiopia being a Sub-Saharan African country had exceptional, perhaps, interesting history in Africa from the perspective of women roles in ...

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2021 Namibia country report: strengthening gender and inclusivity in the National System of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI)

Strengthening Gender and Inclusivity in STI highlights the contextual factors driving gender and inclusivity disparities in STI in Uganda an...

2020 Introducing the series: can AI and data support a more inclusive and equitable South Africa?

Data-driven technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), are becoming more widely used in all domains of South African society. Fro...

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2020 Rethinking open government as innovation for inclusive development: open access, data and ICT in South Africa

Open government has come to be closely associated with innovation for inclusive development (IID). These two areas of practice and research ...