Research outputs

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HSRC Repository

The HSRC Institutional Repository is an important tool that the HSRC utilises to preserve and disseminate its documents. Different types of publications including scholarly research outputs are collected, preserved and distributed in a digital format.

Research data

The HSRC Research Data Service provides a digital repository of the HSRC's research data in support of evidence-based human and social development.


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2022 Adoption and diffusion of advanced ICTs in South Africa's agricultural sector: policy issues and implications

Over the past few years, information and communication technologies (ICTs) have been fundamental innovations that have contributed to the gr...

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2021 Student affairs and services during Covid-19 in Africa: mitigating the pandemic's impact on student success

The Covid 19 pandemic has highlighted the challenges that present obstacles to equitable learning and development in higher education in var...

2021 ICT in mathematics education: an HLM analysis of achievement, access to and use of ICT by African middle school students

This study examined the influence of access to and frequent use of information and communication technology (ICT) in school and home setting...

2021 Promise or precarity?: South African attitudes towards the automation revolution

Rapid technological advancement has prompted growing debate about the promise and challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) for s...