Research outputs

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Research outputs: INNOVATION

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2016 Bridging skills demand and supply in South Africa: the role of public and private intermediaries

Demand-led skills development requires linkages and coordination between firms and education and training organisations, which are major cha...

2016 A bitter pill: not all students ready for e-learning

e-Learning on tablet PCs has for some time been touted as the next revolution in education - a digital innovation to enhance the teaching an...

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2016 Borderline innovation, marginalized communities: universities and inclusive development in ecologically fragile locations

Where do the notional boundaries of the concept of innovation lie, and what does this mean for the study of innovation in socially marginali...

2016 Connecting capabilities to reach the global science and technology frontier

The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope provides an example of how to effectively connect pockets of excellence in the national system of...

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