Research outputs

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Research outputs: INNOVATION

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

2009 The geography of innovation in South Africa: a first cut

The geography of innovation in the developing world is poorly understood, both because certain spatial economic data are difficult to access...

2009 Innovation in sub-Saharan Africa: competitiveness, capability and achievements in South Africa, Nigeria and Uganda

The Research on Knowledge Systems (RoKS) 2006 competition provided funding that has opened up a new field and delineated the contours of a r...

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2009 Learning and innovation: what's different in the (sub) tropics and how do we explain it?: a review essay

Much innovation research views catch-up as a process that at low levels of development starts with imitation, and whose end point is innovat...

2009 Limpopo Integrated Innovation Strategy (LIIS)

This paper aims at identifying a way for Limpopo province to harness the power of innovation to meet its economic and social development goa...