Research outputs

Access is provided to research outputs generated by HSRC researchers since 2000. All research outputs are provided free of charge to the public, with the exception of confidential reports. Where possible the full-text is provided for immediate download. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of an output which is not immediately available for download, please contact the Digital Curation Team at

HSRC Repository

The HSRC Institutional Repository is an important tool that the HSRC utilises to preserve and disseminate its documents. Different types of publications including scholarly research outputs are collected, preserved and distributed in a digital format.

Research data

The HSRC Research Data Service provides a digital repository of the HSRC's research data in support of evidence-based human and social development.

Research outputs: LEADERSHIP

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2020 Kwenzokuhle Madlala

Kwenzokuhle Madlala completed a National Diploma and a BTech in human resources management (cum laude) at Mangosuthu University of Technolog...

2020 Hlomela Bucwa

In November 2016, Hlomela Bucwa was sworn into parliament to represent the Democratic Alliance (DA) in the National Assembly. She was then s...

2020 Vuyani Ceassario Sokhaba

Since July 2018, Vuyani Sokhaba has worked at the Northern Cape Department of Roads and Public Works. Prior to that he was at the University...

2020 Mpho Khati

Mpho Khati is a fashion designer and fashion model, and the owner of the African print clothing and accessories fashion line Indlovukazi. Sh...