Research outputs

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Research outputs: MEN

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2014 Male attitudes towards children, fatherhood, and childrearing: a descriptive profile from South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS)

South African male attitudes towards children, fatherhood and childrearing remain an important topic for research and policy development giv...

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2013 "The good and the bad?": childhood experiences with fathers and their influence on women's expectations and men's experiences of fathering in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Using qualitative data from Project SIZE: a study that explores child and family well-being in the context of HIV/AIDS and poverty, we inter...

2013 Integrated strategies for combination HIV prevention: principles and examples for men who have sex with men in the Americas and heterosexual African populations

Combination HIV prevention is of high priority for increasing the impact of partially efficacious HIV prevention interventions for specific ...

2013 Understanding and addressing socio-cultural barriers to medical male circumcision in traditionally non-circumcising rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa

Given recent clinical trials establishing the safety and efficacy of adult medical male circumcision (MMC) in Africa, attention has now shif...