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Research outputs: MOTIVATION

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2021 Senior managers' experience with health, happiness, and motivation in hospitals and the perceived impact on health systems: the case of Meru county, Kenya

Hospitals play a significant role in health systems. Studies among the health workforce have revealed their experiences with mental health c...

2020 Determinants of motivation among healthcare workers in the East African community between 2009-2019: a systematic review

Healthcare workers are an essential element in the functionality of the health system. However, the health workforce impact on health system...

2020 Motivations for relationships as sources of meaning: Ghanaian and South African experiences

Afrocentric paradigms reflect assumptions of the overarching importance of interconnectedness and social bonds in meaningful experiences. It...

2020 An investigation of healthcare professionals' motivation in public and mission hospitals in Meru county, Kenya

Strengthening health systems in developing countries such as Kenya is required to achieve the third United Nations' Sustainable Development ...