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Research outputs: POLITICS

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2020 Jakes Gerwel: a university of the left

South African anti-apartheid and human rights activist, educator, and author Fatima Meer was the second of nine children of Moosa Meer, an i...

2020 Benjamin Pogrund: white witness of township life

Acclaimed South African "born journalist and author Benjamin Pogrund is widely known for covering the lives of black South Africans, includi...

2020 Neville Alexander: champion of multilingualism

Neville Edward Alexander was a prominent revolutionary, Robben Island prisoner, linguistic activist, theorist and educationalist who strongl...

2020 Pallo Jordan: 'unapologetic moral guardian'

ANC historian and theoretician Zweledinga Pallo Jordan grew up in a highly politicised family, and began his political involvement when he w...