Research outputs

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Research outputs: PUBLIC SCHOOLS

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2016 The health of educators in public schools in South Africa 2016

The provision of good quality education in public sector schools in South Africa is intrinsically linked to the health, wellbeing and produc...

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2012 Educator leave in the South African public schooling system

Low educational achievements limit access to the labour market and reduce the chances of school leavers to break out of the cycle of poverty...

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2005 HIV-positive educators in South African public schools: predictions for prophylaxis and antiretroviral therapy

While it has long been suspected that HIV prevalence among educators is high, there has been no scientific study to assess this. Responding ...

2005 The health of our educators: a focus on HIV/AIDS in South African public schools, 2004/5 survey

The evidence presented in this report shows that the health of our educators is a source of concern because the prevalence of HIV is high. T...