Research outputs

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Research outputs: RURAL COMMUNITIES

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

2019 Correlates of perceived HIV-related stigma among HIV-positive pregnant women in rural Mpumalanga province, South Africa

The study investigated correlates of perceived HIV-related stigma among 673 HIV-positive women from rural Mpumalanga province, South Africa ...

2018 Understanding goal motivations in deprived contexts: perspectives of adults in two rural South African communities

The aim of the present study was to explore and describe the goals and motivations underlying them for adults living in rural African contex...

2018 Identifying gaps in the continuum of care for cardiovascular disease and diabetes in two communities in South Africa: baseline findings from the HealthRise project

The HealthRise initiative seeks to implement and evaluate innovative community-based strategies for diabetes, hypertension and hypercholeste...

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2018 Factors associated with the delivery by skilled birth attendants among mothers of children under one year of age in a conflict affected rural area, Kawkareik district, Kayin state, Myanmar

Reducing maternal and newborn mortalities is a global priority and the lives of mothers and newborns can be ensured by skillful care of skil...