Research outputs

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Research data

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2021 Does SA government meet its constitutional obligation on socioeconomic rights?

The question to be answered by Parliament when it scrutinises the government's Budget is whether the Budget Speech and the Budget Review mee...

2020 Socio-economic inequalities in the multiple dimensions of access to healthcare: the case of South Africa

The National Development Plan (NDP) strives that South Africa, by 2030, in pursuit of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) achieve a significant ...

2017 Life after judgment: the Nokotyana case re-examined

The progressive realisation of socio-economic rights as enshrined in South Africa's Constitution remains a pipe dream for many poor and vuln...

2016 Social justice for the poor: the framing of socioeconomic rights in selected South African newspapers

Apartheid South Africa created a society of deep-seated inequalities divided along race, class, and gender lines. The promotion of socioecon...