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Research outputs: SOUTH AFRICA

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2021 Social security review 2021: evolution of social security in South Africa: an agenda for action

Globally, South Africa, which recently celebrated twenty-five years of democracy, has been lauded for its extensive noncontributory social s...

2021 Introduction: Siyaya Phambili: towards inclusive social security in South Africa

Globally, South Africa, which recently celebrated twenty-five years of democracy, has been lauded for its extensive noncontributory social s...

2021 Ten years of the South African Social Security Agency: the journey 2006-2016

South Africa's non-contributory cash transfer scheme has been heralded for its critical contribution to reducing poverty and inequality, and...

2020 The relationship between social welfare policy and multi dimensional well-being: an analysis using the South Africa child support grant

Socio-historical context and ideology are often overlooked in analyses of how social welfare policy is used to promote well-being. This pape...