Research outputs

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HSRC Repository

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Research data

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2022 Africa's historic free-trade agreement: 'short-term pain for long-term gain'

The signatories of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) hope that the agreement will galvanise trade in manufactured goods and s...

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2021 The status of population, food security, nutrition and sustainable development during the Covid-19 and lockdown period in South Africa

This paper is a follow-up from the Human Sciences Research Council's (HSRC's) Comprehensive Status Report on Population, Food and Nutrition ...

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2021 A decade of innovation and development

This year marks the tenth anniversary of Innovation and Development. This special anniversary issue brings together a set of reflective arti...

2020 Potential and challenges of renewable energy development in promoting a green economy in Nigeria

There is an established link between the availability of reliable and adequate energy supplies and economic growth and development. Based on...